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Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) is a systematic process of
identification, documentation, assessment and accreditation of prior experiential
learning, i.e knowledge, skills and attitudes, to determine the extent to which an
individual has achieved the desired learning outcomes for access to a programme of
study, the award of credit of for the award of academic qualifications.
Through APEL, it recognises lifelong learning and enhances social inclusion by providing
access to academic qualifications for those who might otherwise be excluded by lack of
formal qualifications or work demands.
APEL at Asia e University provides an opportunity for individuals who have acquired
non-formal and informal learning but lack of formal academic qualifications to gain
recognition in the form of credits throughout their work and life experiences.
Asia e University (AeU) offers all type of APEL namely:-
APEL CENTRE General Line: +603 50223404 |
FAZILAH CHE FAUZI fazilah.chefauzi@aeu.edu.my +603 5022 3445/ +6019 339 3108 |
SYED BADRUL HISYAM SYED ADANAN syed.badrul@aeu.edu.my +6012 927 2975 |